Is your smart TV turning on and off by itself? Here`s the solution

Is your TV turning on and off by itself unexpectedly? Here are the solutions and details...

Is your smart TV turning on and off by itself? There could be a few different reasons for this. Here is the "TV turning on and off by itself" solution guide we have prepared for you. In this guide, we have listed different ways to help you solve the problem. Here are the details...

TV turning on and off by itself problem and solution guide

You hear some sounds from the living room just as you are going to bed at night. At that moment, you slowly go to the living room with the heaviest thing you can grab. You are ready and brave. You will hit the thief inside with a heavy blow to the head and hand him over to the police. But what is that? There is only a TV inside that has turned on by itself. So is this TV turning on and off by itself or are there ghosts?

1- Unplug it

As with every malfunction, in this malfunction, as the first step, try turning your device off and on again. In this case, unplug your TV and hold the power button for 10 seconds. In this way, we regulate the current coming to the device.

If your TV is connected to a surge protector, try plugging it directly into an outlet. If it is already plugged into a wall outlet, try using a different outlet, preferably one that is not connected to a switch. If the problem persists, it is not your home's power line.

2- Turn off HDMI-CEC

HDMI-CEC has been the culprit many times. CEC is actually a feature that allows your devices to control each other via HDMI. For example, when you turn on your game console without turning on your TV, the console can automatically turn on the TV and change the HDMI option thanks to CEC.

However, CEC can sometimes be annoying. Because CEC automatically turns on the TV when it receives an incorrect signal. For this reason, try turning off the CEC feature from the settings menu. If the problem persists, try the next step.

3- Disconnect Wi-Fi

If your TV is connected to other smart home devices such as SmartThings, Alexa, Google Home or Logitech Harmony, it is possible that these applications are accidentally turning on or off the TV. For this reason, disconnecting the device from the internet will prevent the applications from running in the background. This will also prevent the device from turning on by itself.

4- Change the batteries in your remote control

When the battery of your remote control is weak, a power surge occurs. This means that your TV is constantly receiving false signals. Try putting a new pair of batteries in the remote control to see if this solves the problem. If the problem persists, send your device to a technical service.